Dutch Oven Beef Stew Boy Scout
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Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Dessert
There's nothing like a hot, healthy meal of good, wholesome food like chicken or chili after an exhausting day of scouting! Kids and leaders can get some great food recipes here for breakfast, lunch, or dinner as well as desserts and trail snacks. There's also a selection of dutch oven recipes. Start the day right with a high-energy breakfast, take a break at mid-day with a nourishing lunch, and don't forget to make time for a fun dessert around the campfire after dinner. Cooking is a big part of scouting and scouts learn a lot about becoming self-sufficient, clean, patient, and forgiving when it comes to meals cooked in less-than-ideal conditions.
Recipes for: Lions Tigers Wolfs Bears Webelos Boy Scouts
Favorite Recipes(ranked by visitors) |
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Super Chocolate Brownie |
Monkey Bread |
Witches Brew |
Cowboy Stew |
Train Wreck |
Shepherd Pie |
Mountain Dew Chicken |
Dessert Burritos |
Simple Breakfast Burritos |
Chili Mac |
Dutch Oven Pizza |
Hobo Dinner |
Hobo Stew |
Huggies |
S'more Pie |
Bannock |
Jambalaya |
Ticks On A Toilet Seat |
Egg in a Hole |
Pocket Pizza |
Pancakes |
Pizza for Breakfast |
Breakfast Cornbread |
Jul 07, 2014 - Shelia Dill
I recently was at cub day camp and they had a cooking station. The first day the boys were given a spoonful of mashed potatoes and they had about 30 seasonings they could use from 3 to all of them. For some kind of control boy scouts added the seasonings they chose. They had to mix it thoroughly try it and then it was discussed what they added and if they like it or not. Excellent opportunity for them to experiment. The second day they were given a parboiled chicken leg in a sandwich bag and again they chose their seasonings and then it was put on a grill and browned for them. I have taught cooking for about 50 years and never thought about that. What a great way to teach them not to be afraid to experiment
Sep 25, 2014 - John Sweeney
This is such a terrific web site. I would love it if this search engine also had the capability of filtering for hike-friendly meals, and/or if each recipe had a note at the top stating such. For example, I'm looking for some inspiration for light-weight but energy-packed meals for backpacking and back-country camping on the Appalachian Trail. That said, anyone have any recommendations for some meals like that? Something to take Ramen noodles to the next level, or otherwise make some pretty yummy meals after a long day of hiking (and carrying the food with you)? Thanks!
Sep 25, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@John - The recipes here are more for Scout cooking, not backpacking. When backpacking, the weight vs. calorie battle is more important than the cooking experience. Knorr Sides of rice or noodles, supplemented with pouches of tuna, chicken, or salmon have worked well for our troop. You might check out this Hiking Food page for more info on trek food planning.
Jul 30, 2015 - Augusta Curry
My grandson is in Tanzania with the Peace Corps.I'm making him a cookbook for single serving meals using a kerosene stove or a charcoal one. There is no electricity for keeping ingredients or extra servings. I can adjust several of your recipients so they will work for him. THANK YOU
Jun 24, 2017 - William Tegge
Cooked the Jambalaya. Came out real good. Could use a few more spices, maybe some pepper and a little more salt. Overall a real good dish. Am going to enter it as our troops entry in the Dutch Oven cooking contest

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Source: https://www.boyscouttrail.com/recipes.asp
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