The gaming industry is in an exciting period where the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S are just starting to flourish. While the hardware and IPs may change, the console war seems to always find a way to survive from one generation to the next, even if these discussions have gained a slightly satirical tone in recent years.

The past is a clear indication that this conflict still rages on for fans of these consoles. To prove it, here are some PlayStation vs. Xbox memes that, while absolutely hilarious, point out how this battle won't be ending any time soon.

Updated by January 31, 2022 by Mark Sammut: On their own, memes are light entertainment, however, when viewed as a whole, they reflect a community's interests, talking points, and attitude. They are also a way to express frustration or joy. If a game makes a big enough splash, it will undoubtedly spawn dozens upon dozens of memes, both positive and negative ones. This extends beyond individual titles to also platforms, and console wars have a history of inspiring people to craft hilarious jokes. This article has been expanded to include a few more memorable PlayStation versus Xbox memes.

13 This Was Definitely Made By A Sony Fan

meme mocking Xbox One

The Xbox One generation did not start as a great one for Microsoft, as the company was accused of prioritizing its profits over quality. This accusation was mainly doled out by PS fans, who also reveled in the eventual downfall of the Xbox One. Due to this, it's not difficult to assume that this meme was created by a PS fan.

Nowadays, Xbox fans have a retort to this type of comment since Microsoft has taken plenty of steps to heal its gaming brand. Game Pass played a significant role in sparking a rejuvenation for Xbox.

12 Beating Fanboys With Logic


Some shots at the other camp are a stretch for sure, yet the convenient logic applied does give fanboys a reason to believe in them. In this meme, the insinuation is that the title of the Xbox 360 was always inspired by the PlayStation's controller.

Funnily enough, the justification provided is so perfect that it's hard to argue against. Of course, the reality is that the Xbox 360 was never named this way, but those who like to troll Xbox fans will most definitely have milked this meme for all it's worth.

11 That Name Cannot Be Spoken

Xbox versus PlayStation board room meme

Diehard Sony fans love to point out the number of sales PS franchises have achieved, but there's no escaping the fact that the PS5 lacks an abundance of quality titles. Due to this, Xbox fans like to claim that it's better to just switch to this console.

Obviously, both systems have plenty of great games, so there's some logic to it — but that doesn't stop fans from overreacting to anyone challenging their platform. Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda and pending purchase of Activision Blizzard significantly changes this meme's meaning as a future might come when the only way to play Call of Duty and Doom is to pick up an Xbox.

10 Mixed Messaging

playstation-xbox-meme lion king

Which brand is this meme favoring? On the surface, the answer appears to be the Xbox One X since the meme contrasts the realistic visuals of 2019's The Lion King with the animated film's art style. However, the live-action remake got a polarizing critical reception, garnering just 52% on RottenTomatoes; in comparison, the 1994 movie has a 93% score.

Also, the '90s film has stellar animation that holds up well after nearly two decades – is this meme saying that the PS4 Pro is timeless?

9 That Old Fight

PlayStation and Xbox are stuck in an eternal struggle; a (not so civil) war driven by conflicting ideologies, heroes, profit margins, and fans. Similar to the conflict in the MCU's Civil War, the PlayStation and Xbox rivalry can feel a bit shallow; unlike the Marvel movie, the console brands will probably not be putting aside their differences to present a united front anytime soon.

While Tony Stark and Steve Rogers' battle did not really help anyone, PlayStation and Xbox trying to outdo each other overall benefits the gaming industry. Competition is generally healthy.

8 When The Companies Win Either Way

Playstation-vs-Xbox-Meme Tom and Jerry

The majority of flame wars between the PS and Xbox brand has to do with the fans rather than the companies. However, that does not mean the manufacturers do not benefit from this rivalry; after all, brand loyalty is something that most successful companies try to cultivate.

In order to one-up each other, people have taken to purchasing their preferred console's products, which has only had the effect of making the companies richer. Ultimately, Sony and Microsoft are the winners regardless of which console "wins" the war.

7 Numbers Don't Lie

People have been obsessed with racking up the numbers of the two brands against one another for about two decades or so now. This reached its peak in the seventh generation when some joked that the Xbox 360's vastly superior number compared to the PS3 made it the winner.

This came back to bite the Xbox fans as the unveiling of the names of the eighth generation systems led to PS4 being crowned the winner right off the bat, as the number four easily trumps the number one. In this way, the PS brand won before things even started.

6 Kinda True

After spending the seventh generation battling media announcements over how the "PS is dying" all the time, its fans were over the moon once the PS4 hit the market, instantly dominated the scene, and revived the brand name.

However, it also caused these fans to get carried away in taking shots at Xbox's expense, as internet forums were filled with memes referencing this fact. This had gotten to the point where one has to wonder if these guys even play their PS consoles as much as they talk about it.

5 Can't Argue There

It's good to play around with titles on occasion, such as the practice of the Assassin's Creed games of having its releases switched from numbered sequels to titled ones. However, it's far too confusing when it comes to the matter of consoles.

Since there are more casual fans than those who keep up with the industry, it makes more sense to go the route the PS brand has taken and simply number the latest iteration within a sequence. The Xbox's habit of always coming up with far-out titles comes across as eccentric rather than creative. Following up the Xbox One X with the Xbox Series X was just unnecessary.

4 The Secret Revealed

Now we might just be entering the area where the jokes start getting a bit juvenile, but it does reflect how badly some people want the competition gone. Here, PS4 fans argue that the console's shape was deliberately constructed as a message.

The idea of turning the shape of the PS4 into that of an eraser is meant to act as a clue that Sony's system was out to wipe the competition of the Xbox One from the market. While it did ultimately land the win, the Xbox's presence has hardly been removed. In fact, Xbox might be stronger than ever.

3 Didn't See That Coming

With the rise of huge multiplayer titles during the last few console generations, Microsoft and Nintendo saw that it would be beneficial if they opened up cross-play between their consoles. This allows players from different ecosystems to enjoy the best games together, extending the title's lifespan in the process.

While they had initially been staunch against the idea, the higher-ups at Sony might as well have been screeching internally for making the mistake of not seeing how the Xbox benefited from cross-play. Eventually, Sony had to concede, and the PS4 also started allowing cross-play between platforms.

2 True Innovation In Your Fridge

The Xbox's negative reception towards its design for a home console continued with the Xbox Series X, whose simplicity of being a rectangular box wasn't unanimously accepted. For this reason, some fans were apprehensive of the PS5's final design.

Although it didn't look like a fridge as it does in this meme, many wouldn't have been surprised if the PS5 did turn out to be huge. After all, the PS3's first version was a behemoth, so it's not outside the realm of possibility the PS5 might have looked similar to the Xbox Series X.

1 Aah

wall-e ps5 xbox series x meme

The internet is flooded with memes fueled by the console wars, jokes decided to put down one platform manufacturer while raising another. A palate cleanser, this Wall-E meme imagines a future where PlayStation and Xbox can simply enjoy each other's presence. No words need to be spoken, no memes will be written.

The funny part is that this meme proposes that such a situation requires humanity evacuating Earth and consoles gaining sentience. One day, the war shall end and the only things left standing will be consoles not defined by their logos.

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